Jon Costantino

Founding Principal, Tradesman Advisors

Jon Costantino is the Founding Principal of his own regulatory consultancy and advocacy firm—Tradesman Advisors, Inc. He has 27 years of regulatory experience both within government and in the private sector. He was the original Climate Change Planning Manager for the California Air Resources Board and oversaw the first publication of the State’s economy-wide climate policy document—the AB 32 Scoping Plan.

Prior to founding his own firm, Jon built and managed a climate change regulatory practice for a diverse portfolio of clients at a national law firm. He also was the lead legislative analyst at CARB, where he focused on energy and transportation fuels, after a decade working as an Air Quality Engineer at one of California’s local air quality management districts.

He was also appointed to two terms by Governor Brown as a Board Member on the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. The appointment allowed him to work closely with agricultural and domestic water users, and industries discharging waste, to protect and ensure water quality, within California’s Central Valley region.

During his career, Jon has gained in-depth insights about the complexities of California’s diverse set of industries, including: agriculture, construction, energy production and distribution, transportation and goods movement, consumer products and transportation fuels.

With an insider’s perspective, and decades of practical experience, he has become a sought-after source of information and opinion by both mainstream and industry-specific media as a recognized authority on climate change regulation and policy. His approach to solving problems includes working with agencies to craft solution-oriented policy and regulatory positions, and conveying them to industry through clear communications.